BIM in Ireland 2019 | Completed

In collaboration with the BIMe Initiative, the Construction IT Alliance (CitA) is re-investigating the progression of  level of BIM adoption in Ireland through the BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP). This will build on the information collected back in April/May 2017.

Published Paper

Data collection is completed and a paper was published as a conference paper - by the following authors:

  • Dr. Barry McAuley of the Technological University Dublin, Ireland
  • Dr. Alan Hore of the Technological University Dublin, Ireland
  • Mr. Roger West of Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

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The paper is originally available on the webpage of the University of Dublin. For more information about this publication, please contact Dr. Alan Hore.

Additional Studies

The BIMe Initiative will be conducting similar Macro Adoption Studies with international knowledge-sharing partners across the world. Policy Makers and Industry Associations interested in conducting a similar market-wide Macro Adoption Study in their own country are encouraged to contact us to discuss collaboration opportunities.