BIM Competency in Qatar Funded Project

The Study was completed in 2020.

Development and application of a novel and integrated performance driven approach for assessing, benchmarking and improving BIM Competency of Qatar’s construction industry practitioners (NPRP9-124-2-062)

"This research aims to improve the BIM competency of current and future industry practitioners. Based on its experience in this domain, the research team will first establish a BIM competency inventory and a number of ‘target BIM competency profiles’ describing both emergent roles (e.g. model manager, BIM project facilitator, and information manager) and established functions (e.g. project architect, design engineer and site manager). Second, using the BIM competency inventory and a specialized online tool, a series of competency benchmarking campaigns will be conducted across Qatar’s construction industry. Third, data collected through benchmarking campaigns will be compared against established target profiles and used to identify the competency gaps of industry practitioners. Lastly, competency gaps will be used as a base to develop and deliver a host of Qatar-specific, BIM-focused training, professional development and e-learning modules.

The deliverables of this research will: (a) improve the BIM performance of industry practitioners across Qatar through an evidence-based benchmarking approach; (b) empower clients and employers to pre-qualify the BIM competency of project participants; and (c) support Qatar’s education system in responding to industry’s requirements through BIM-focused education and learning programs."

For a full description of this project, go to the QNRF website and search for NPRP9-124-2-062 under project number.

This Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) project is a collaborative research effort between:

All design/construction/operation professionals (irrespective of role) who worked and lived in Qatar were invited to participate.

License Info: the assessment materials used in this study are freely provided by ChangeAgents AEC pty ltd (ACN/ ARBN 15 545 766 126, Australia) as part of its not-for-profit BIMe InitiativeProvided materials are intended for the exclusive use of the QNRF research team as allowed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share-alike 3.0 Unported licence. No re-use by a third party is permitted without obtaining a license. For more information about these materials, or to seek a suitable license for conducting a similar study, please contact us.