Updated April 20, 2020

Extending the Macro Adoption Project

The Macro Adoption project is now expanding. Several Work Packages including multiple Micro Projects (managed by an independent team) are being launched. Subject to securing sponsorships, research grants, and/or specialised expertise from the wider community, the Macro Adoption project will expand its deliverables to offer new tools and templates for assessing market-wide BIM maturity, national BIM policies, and Noteworthy BIM Publications.

E | Work Packages List

The Macro Adoption Project (project code is E, refer to 103in) is subdivided into a number of Work Packages that can be completed independently. There are also a number of Micro Projects (each is a Work Package yet managed by an independent team) that will help extend this project's deliverables and connect it to other BIMe Initiative and 3rd party efforts.

Below is the current Work Packages List:


Work Package

Planned Activities



Project Admin

Managing project scope, resources and timeline; development of protocols; instigating and managing relationships with 3rd party collaborators (by country or by region); and continuous alignment with other BIMe Initiative projects.

Ongoing effort.


Conceptual Parts (new and extended)


Development, adaptation and testing of new macro-focused adoption frameworks, models, taxonomies, metrics, and their composite templates (e.g. 311in Macro Maturity Matrix). These new conceptual parts are intended to improve or extend (e.g. cover smaller Organisational Scales where applicable) currently available Macro Adoption models and templates.

Ongoing effort.

Volunteer researchers from academia and industry with: (1) sufficient understanding of existing Macro Adoption models; and (2) are willing to collaborate in organically extending them, are invited to assist in this Micro Project.


Macro Adoption Assessments

(Micro Projects)


Launching a Macro Adoption assessment campaign within a selected country or region. Each Macro Assessment project will be led by a local player.

Ongoing effort.

Individuals from industry associations, technology advocates (e.g. buildingSMART or OGC), or educational institutions from all countries are invited to join the effort. If you are an active or leading member within such organisations, and you’re willing to lead an assessment campaign covering your country, please contact us .


Macro Adoption Guide

The development of a guide (an edited book or booklet) to help policy makers develop, implement, or improve their BIM policies and/or national initiatives.


Researchers from academia and industry with experience in high-level policy formulations will be invited to: (1) participate in the development of Macro Adoption policy guides, tools and templates; and (2) help in verifying and or localising these guides, templates, and tools.


Macro Adoption Report

Design and delivery of the BIMe Initiative biannual report that discusses the state of BIM Adoption worldwide.

Not started yet.

Volunteers are needed with experiences in: (1) Desktop Publishing (Adobe InDesign); and (2) report writing/editing.


Reference Library - Noteworthy BIM Publications


Refining the BIM Knowledge Content Taxonomy; mapping new international Noteworthy BIM Publications against the refined taxonomy; and connecting these efforts to similar industry initiatives (e.g. buildingSMART BIM Guides Wiki Project).

Initiated (currently paused).

Volunteers from academia and industry with an understanding of the existing Knowledge Content Taxonomy are invited to assist with this Micro Project.


Dashboard - Online Tool 

Development of an online interactive dashboard to display Macro Adoption data with functionalities allowing users to: explore datasets; create custom views; export anonymised data; and print partial reports.

Not started yet.

Help needed: an Agile Project Manager. UI/UX Designer. Full stack programmers and/or those skilled in Django Rest Framework, React, PostgreSQL, and CSS/HTML,


Academic Publications and General Knowledge Sharing


Disseminate the knowledge generated or captured through blog posts, conference papers and journal articles.

Ongoing effort.

Invitations to submit Guest Posts on BIMthinkSpace.com and co-author peer-reviewed papers are welcome.

How the Macro Adoption project is managed

The first Macro Adoption model was developed and presented by Dr. Bilal Succar in 2011. In 2012, Dr. Succar and Dr. Mohamad Kassem formed a team to explore BIM Policies, Macro Adoption and Noteworthy BIM Publications, and – since then – have published five peer-reviewed papers, delivered more than fifteen international keynote addresses, and completed both formal consultancies (covered by a research grant) and informal advisories (offered as a free service).

As of December 2017, the Macro Adoption Project has reached Step B4 | Execution of its development lifecycle (refer to 103in BIMe Initiative Projects).

For more information, sponsorship offers, or to join the community effort, please contact us.

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