BIM in Ireland 2017 study completed

In collaboration with the BIMe Initiative, the Construction IT Alliance (CitA) have investigated the level of BIM adoption in Ireland through the BIM Innovation Capability Programme (BICP). Note: Data collection completed May 8, 2017.

Note: A new study was launched in Jan 2019 to extend and update the data.

Download file

As per the BIMe Initiative General Principles – and in addition to the Macro Adoption Models already released under Creative Commons – the Macro Adoption raw data presented in this report has been made available – click here to download the Excel file (41kb).

This release is in agreement with CitA and is intended to enable worldwide topical researchers to conduct their own analyses

BIM in Ireland 2017 download report

The BIM Innovation Capability Programme for Ireland (BICP) BIM in Ireland Report 2017 provides “an in depth review of BIM in Ireland with regards to key government publications, BIM champions, existing standards and procurement routes, BIM training programmes, current initiatives and maturity within public and private sector projects.”

The research findings within this report – those related to Macro BIM Adoption – have been enabled by the published research of Dr. Bilal Succar and Dr. Mohamad Kassem (Paper A8 and Paper B3listed here). Data collection, representation and publication are covered by a Collaboration Agreement between CitA and the BIMe Initiative (signed April 18, 2017).

Click the image below to visit CitA: BIM Innovation Capability Programme for Ireland and download the BIM in Ireland Report 2017:


Copyright Notice

The BIM in Ireland Report 2017 is published by the Construction IT Alliance (CitA) and – except for the contributions made by the BIMe Initiative, Dr. Succar and Dr. Kassem – are covered by copyright (refer to Page 3 of the report).

Additional Studies

The BIMe Initiative will be conducting similar Macro Adoption Studies with international knowledge-sharing partners across the world.

Policy Makers and Industry Associations interested in conducting a similar market-wide Macro Adoption Study in their own country are encouraged to contact us to discuss collaboration opportunities.