BIM in Spain 2018 study completed

In collaboration with the BIMe Initiative, the buildingSMART Spanish Chapter (bSSCH) has investigated the level of BIM adoption in Spain. Data collection was completed on April 24, 2018The project was led by Mr. Sergio Muñoz Gomez, Secretario of buildingSMART Spanish Chapter and Mr. Victor Roig Segura, LEAN & BIM Consultant at BIMETRIC Lab.

Data and report

As per the BIMe Initiative General Principles - and in addition to the Macro Adoption Models already released under Creative Commons - the Macro Adoption raw data presented in this report has been made available - click here to download the Excel file (40kb). This release is in agreement with bSSCH and is intended to enable other researchers to conduct their independent analyses.

Adoption Models already released under Creative Commons - the Macro Adoption raw data presented in this report has been made available - click here to download the Excel file (40kb). This release is in agreement with bSSCH and is intended to enable other researchers to conduct their independent analyses.

The data collected was used to generated the "Macro Estudio de Adopción BIM 2018" available for download from here.

Additional Studies

The BIMe Initiative will be conducting similar Macro Adoption Studies with international knowledge-sharing partners across the world. Policy Makers and Industry Associations interested in conducting a similar market-wide Macro Adoption Study in their own country are encouraged to contact us to discuss collaboration opportunities.