301in BIM Maturity Matrix

The BIM Maturity Matrix (BIm3) is a Knowledge Tool for identifying the current BIM Maturity of an organisation or Project Team. The BIm³ has two axes - BIM Capability Sets and the BIM Maturity Index. The matrix is available in a number of languages (scroll down).

301in BIM Maturity Matrix

Original version (English)

BIM Reifegrad Matrix
German translation by Stephan Liedtke of BIMSource.de and Dr. Carsten K. Druhmann of ZHAW

Matriz de Madurez BIM
Spanish translation by Víctor Roig of BIMETRIC

La Matrice de Maturité BIM
French translation by Patrick Riedo of Objectif BIM

Matriz de Maturidade BIM
Portuguese translation by Dr. Leonardo Manzione of Coordenar


Matrice di Maturità BIM
Italian translation by Marzia Bolpagni, Chiara Rizzarda, Silvia Mastrolembo Ventura and Pier Luigi Guida

301in.EL Μητρώο Ωριμότητας ΒΙΜ
Greek translation by Ms. Nicoleta Panagiotidou. Review by Dr. Eyaggelia Peppa.

Comments 8

  1. Hi,
    I don’t know if you’re already aware of this but the french version of the maturity matrix seems to be unavailable on the server.

    I hope you can put it be back online soon.



    1. Post

      Hello Johan,
      Thank you for letting us know; appreciated.
      I have fixed the link now for all 301in files.
      Kind Regards,

  2. I am repeatedly finding your publications published in the area of BIM i really thank you for your contribution. I am now planning to study the level of BIM adoption in developing countries, Ethiopia which i thought help in preparing BIM implementation plans. Would you please recommend me the literature and your experience that i have to refer which provide me measurement scale/matrix for measuring BIM adoption level.

    Thank you

    1. Post

      Hello Muluken. Thank you for your comment. Measuring BIM adoption across whole markets is covered by BIMe Initiative Project E. Please visit this page and feel free to watch the video(s) and/or download the available publications.

    1. Post

      Hello Orsolya,
      Thank you for your question. We don’t have a formal ontology for the maturity matrix. Offers of assistance are always welcome.

  3. Hi
    I’ve just found your website and I’m surprised with the amount of useful information I’ve found in it. Sadly I noticed that the last messages and publications are from 2020 so I don’t know if you are still active on this project. I’m trying to find information that could relate the BIM USES to parameters in Revit families (or BIM Objects in the case of other software). Can you point me some references on the subject?
    Thx in advance and grateful for all your work.
    Luis Lança

    1. Post

      Hello Luis,
      Thank you for your message.
      We haven’t needed to update this page as no new version of the 301in document was released.
      I think your question relates to a different document – the 211in Model Uses List. In any case, the Information Uses microproject [Model Uses is one type of Information Uses] does not scale down to defining parameters within Model Components. This type of work is more the specialty of buildingSMART International and there is no need to duplicate their good efforts here. All the best!

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