Model Use Templates

Updated Feb 29, 2020

A Model Use Template collates all the activities, resources, and methods necessary to generate a Model Use. It provides an easy to understand yet structured description of domain Use Cases (e.g. Cost Estimation and Constructability Analysis) for human-data interaction within the Built Environment. The template details the human competences, software resources, and methods necessary to successfully implement each Model Use on projects and within companies and thus help improve their productivity and digital performance.


The Model Use Template is a Micro Project under Project F | Integrated Information Platform. For a list of Model Uses, please refer to the 211in Model Uses List.

A Model Use Template is intended to:

  1. EDUCATE individuals and organisation about the benefits of each model use
  2. ASSESS an individual or organisation’s ability to deliver a model use
  3. ASSIST individuals and organisations to develop their competence and capability to deliver the model use

A Model Use Template provides an answer to the following questions:

  1. What are the steps needed to deliver a Model Use?
  2. What are the software tools and equipment needed to deliver…?
  3. What the recommended methods and practices?
  4. What are the applicable guides and protocols?
  5. What are the minimum needed competences?


The current team is composed of the following researchers:

  1. Ms. Fernanda Machado, BIM researcher and specialist, Autodesk, Brazil
  2. Ms. Paula Mota, BIM Director at SIPPRO, Fortaleza, Brazil
  3. Dr. Lorena Moreira, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
  4. Prof. Regina Ruschel, School of Civil Engineering and Architecture at UNICAMP, Brazil

The project team was supported by:

  1. Dr. Erik Poirier, Director at Initiative Québécoise pour la Construction 4.0, Canada
  2. Dr. Bilal Succar, Director of ChangeAgents AEC, Australia

Development Notes


The first deliverable of this Micro Project was the Model Use Template for 4040 Clash Detection that is now available online through the BIM Dictionary.

This effort is referred to as Project 4040 and is partially funded by the Initiative Québécoise pour la Construction 4.0, Canada.

Comments 2

  1. Thanks, this sounds pretty interesting. I’m looking forward to your methods and structure of the document as well as the content

    1. Post

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