Updated Aug 26, 2020

The BIM Dictionary project is continuously expanding and will gradually include new languages (refer to editorial page). The BIM Dictionary will expand beyond offering a research-based, peer-sourced glossary of terms. As the base for a much larger Knowledge Structure, the BIM Dictionary enables the development of semantically-interconnected guides, protocols, tools and workflows.

Extending the BIM Dictionary

A | Microprojects List

The BIM Dictionary (Project A, refer to 103in) is subdivided into a large number of Microprojects (MPs - specialised teams) that can be undertaken independently. Projects and Microprojects can be also subdivided into Workpackages (WPs - completed by a single person) as needed to extend the BIM Dictionary and connect its deliverables with other BIMe Initiative projects and 3rd party efforts.

Below is the current Project A Microprojects List (partial):

Code Work Package Planned Activities Notes
A1 Project Admin Managing project scope, resources, and timeline. Development of protocols; instigating and managing relationships with 3rd parties; and continuous alignment with other BIMe Initiative projects

Ongoing effort

A2 Canonical Dictionary Items - English Development and updating of Dictionary Items covering all common international terms within Noteworthy BIM Publications plus those identified within national and international standards in English

Ongoing effort

Improvement suggestions are always welcome

A3 Extended Descriptions - English Identification and invitation of subject matter experts to contribute texts, charts and videos (see example). Each Extended Description is a separate Activity within the Work Package


A4 Translations in LOTE Translation and continuous updating of Language Other Than English (LOTE) terms. Each Langauge Team will have its own Microproject Code - assigned by chronological order (e.g. A4.01 Spanish Language)

Ongoing effort

New language teams needed

A5 Localisations

Localisation of terms and descriptions based on jurisdictions and geographical locations

Not started yet

A7 A7.1 Tool Development - Front End Continuous improvement of the online UI/UX. Generation of a Terminology Explorer (interactive map); Custom Terms List; built-in Commenting Engine; and printing, exporting and linking features

Ongoing effort

Help needed. Agile project manager. UI/UX designer. Full stack programmers and/or those skilled in Django REST framework, ReactJS, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, CSS/HTML

A7.2 Tool Development - Backend Development of an Editorial Dashboard to manage translations/updates and communication amongst Editors. Improvement of versioning and version control (allowing external links to a specific version). Database optimisation. Improvement and documentation of the API.
A8 A8.1 Outreach to Educational Institutions Connecting with universities and other technical institutes to encourage adoption of the BIM Dictionary in educational settings Assistance Needed
  A8.2 Outreach to Industry Associations Connecting with membership-based organisations to encourage adoption of the BIM Dictionary in their CPD programmes Assistance Needed
  A8.3 Outreach to Policy Makers Connecting with authorities to develop country-specific addendums to materials within the BIM Dictionary Assistance Needed

How the BIM Dictionary project is managed

The open access BIM Dictionary started life in Decemeer 2012 as part of BIM Excellence Corporate Services (BIMexcellence.com). In 2016, the database containing nearly 600 Dictionary Items database (and the underlying codebase) were separated and transferred to the not-for-profit BIMe Initiative.

Delivered under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, the BIM Dictionary is continuously extended through the generous efforts of BIMe Members and Volunteers. These efforts are currently coordinated by the Editorial Team. As of Aug 2018, the project has reached Step C: Product Extension Phase in its development lifecycle (refer to 103in BIMe Initiative Projects) and is now  a BIMe Initiative Product. The project team will now need to be supplemented by a specialist product team to assist in charting the product’s growth path and sustaining its continuous success.

Also, development processes and activities will need to be guided by the general project management principles discussed in ISO 21500:2012. Project/Product Leaders are expected to apply these general principles with the assistance of Project Managers from within and outside the BIMe Initiative Network.

For more information, or to help expand this community effort, please contact us.

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